
So it's actually a lot harder keeping a blog than one would think. :) You should try it. Anyways, I love this time of year. But it's also paired with end-of-the-semester business, which I hate. At school today I was glad for chapel and class devotions, especially knowing it's quite possible I will go to a public university next year, and it will be very different! So I want to appreciate it all now while I have it.

A re-occuring word in my day at school was....JOY. I love that joy is above circumstances and feelings. So what if there is a lot of school work? So what that I often find myself dragging through the school week, with the darkness outside seeming to be more frequent that the sunlight? God gives me joy. It doesn't necessarily mean He gives me smiles and happy times, but He does give me a fresh perspective of life in the middle of chaos. I'm reminded of how Jesus came to quietly into the world into the world 2010 years ago, bringing redeeming grace to us. I'm reminded that this day....THIS day... is a day I'm blessed to be living because God has given it to me.

This picture is because I haven't uploaded one in awhile. Also, I love sisters and summer.


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