About Me

Update 4/13/2024

Hello! My name is Janie. I've been writing here verrrry intermittent since I believe I was a sophomore in high school. 

Things I love:  reading, walking, watching, sports (Detroit Lions, Spartan basketball), and place-making (currently in the Edison neighborhood in Kalamazoo, MI). 

I am currently leaning into ecumenicalism as I try to learn from Jesus-followers in a variety of denominations and cultures. The good news is that God is the Creator and Redeemer of people ALLLL around the globe and in all pockets of "Christendom." Here's a bold statement:  might it be possible that I will worship in heaven alongside people I didn't think were necessary going to be there? (Praise be to God that he is clawing out the spirit of condemnation in me.)

I write here about all sorts of things as I seek to reconcile seemingly contradictory aspects of my life. (Just as an example- how God is showing me I CAN be a good mother and a good worker at the same time). :)

I am glad you are here!

Me, on the way to church. Circa 2001.

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