seven days.

In seven days I'll be flying to Amsterdam, but then not back to Detroit like I normally would. Instead I'll catch a nine hour flight to Entebbe, UGANDA.
Yup, it's still sinking in for me too. I can't explain it, but for some reason I've had a passion for Africa during the past year that hasn't gone away. Specifically, Eastern Africa. [Uganda, Ethiopia, Kenya...]
SO, after Christmas I was thinking about what I wanted to do this summer. I did hours of searching on the internet and talking to people and making phone calls to see what was the best fit. I am so happy to say that I will be heading to the Good Shepherd's Fold outisde of Jinja, Uganda for eight weeks!! I'm sad to leave my family in Hungary (where I am now). I'm excited to finally do something that I believe God has personally put on my heart to do. I'm nervous that I don't really know what I'm getting myself into. (8 weeks sounds like a long time to me...) Lots of emotions. People ask me what it will be like, or how I feel, and I can barely give an answer. I know I will be leading Sunday school for the 7 and 8 year olds. I'll be doing much-needed clerical work to organize all the known information about the orphans that GSF has taken in. I'm also excited that I'll be able to work with the social workers at the orphange and seeing how they do casework around the villages and how they make decisions. I also know that I'll be eating rice and beans and some fruit, and that my attire will consist of long skirts, t-shirts, and walking shoes.  I'll be joining a group of three other interns, whose names are Claire, Emily and Ashley.
Ultimately I'm still not exactly sure to expect. But beyond any doubts I know that God is gonna do some great things, and I'm praying for him to reveal himself to me in new and big ways! I told him I wanted to go to Africa several months ago. He was faithful to provide this trip which seems like a wonderful fit with great people. Then I started to support raise and was completely overwhelmed as I printed off letters in the library on MSU's campus and sent them from the Union. I've never done this sort of thing by myself before! But God was faithful again and it looks like I have all the funds I need! I also got the added bonus of being able to stop in Budapest for 3 1/2 weeks before my trip and for 10 days after. That was definetly an answer to prayer. God's been absolutely faithful in the past as I've been preparing for this trip, and I have no reason to doubt his faithfulness for the future.
I'm excited for the adventure. Stay posted here for updates from Uganda!


  1. Great update Dear. I'll look forward to hearing more when you are in Uganda.


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