thoughts on education and social work after a long day
There are some things that will always be hard. Some things will always be sad, and it's just the way the world goes round right now.
So now I'm sitting at McDonald's letting it all sink in. Social work is nuts sometimes. And education? It's a tough, tough uphill battle. You work with kids and then they switch schools and you are only left with your the treatment plans for your next session crumpled in your hands. Teachers, hats off to you. You deal with twenty people all day long. I only see one at a time and then conveniently drop them off at their class again. But this isn't about "whose profession is more difficult". We are a team, the teachers, para-pros, receptionists, janitors, social workers and administrators. We all cry in the bathroom (or some metaphorical equivalent). We all bust out in dance moves (in private) when a student "gets it" and makes progress. It's two steps forward, ten steps back, five steps sideways....... constant unpredictability.
I am learning that as long as there are little souls involved, you know.... the ones with smudged glasses, quirky mannerisms and spontaneous affection (all of 'em)... there will be heartache.
School days go by like the drops of rain that slide down my windshield, and we must go on believing that the efforts are worth it. Kids are worth it. And we (those working with kids) are pretty wonderfully and fearfully made ourselves. ;) Now may you have peace and a hot cup of decaf tea in your weary hands as this evening becomes night and then morning again.
One of my students left this on my white board. I thought it was noteworthy and poetic of her!
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