receive and experience.

thanks, God, for the things that are bringing me joy today and for the way you created me to enjoy you.  i love my clean dorm room and how it invites me to bask in your Son.  i love the beautiful fall weather that wisks past me as i ride my bike.  i look up at my walls and see pictures of beautiful Ugandan faces and i smile and say thank you.  i pick up my phone and read sweet out-of-the-blue texts from encouraging friends, just saying that they were thinking of me. you know I needed that, God. i feel you through the hugs of friends and enjoy your goodness even in a glass chocolate milk. 


because this is it!  this is my life, my journey today.  "life" doesn't start when i get a better job, a perfect haircut or a nice pair of boots!  i would love those things, but today is it.  God is in love with me today, and i don't want to miss it! i'm tired, but i'm learning to be aware and present in this perfect love. 

i sure don't have it all together.  i wish i did.  but God is good.  His grace covers this day, and His love pulses through my veins. 

"receive and experience the amazing grace of the Master, Jesus Christ, deep, deep within yourselves."
-phil. 4:23



  1. It's great to see you embracing each day of life as it comes Janie. What a great life pattern to have.

  2. I love this. Such good, true words. I needed to be reminded of this. Miss you!


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