Ten minutes of blogging.

In about ten minutes I will go workout with my roommate.  But now I am sitting in bed with the candle burning and some books scattered about.  I took a "personal afternoon" off from my internship, and I just feel at a loss for what to do.  Should I make goals for 2016? Or read a novel? Clean my kitchen? Work ahead in school?  My conclusion is that trying to relax can feel stressful sometimes. But on the other hand, I needed a break and I made one for myself.  So that was good.

I'm reading through "Simply Tuesday" by Emily Freeman right now.  I really like her writing style!  She is honest, but doesn't make a big deal about how honest she is.  She is not trying to be a "Christian celebrity" or anything like that.  She's a mom who lives in a cul-de-sac with her family and does regular-people things... but also writes books.  Anyways, a chapter I just read made me stop and think about community and friendships.

Lately I have been shying away from community.  There's a valid part of me that knows how busy I am trying to do grad school and intern and work.  Logically speaking, going to bed early is just what I need right now.  And that's fine!  No apologies for being human around here.

But.  Still, I need people.  I need to find what works for me, right here, where I am.  But I can't wait for people to find me in my room huddled up with blankets and candles.  I have to extend myself.  In her book, Emily (I'll just call her Emily) says  "...while I'm often hesitant to reach out, my doing so is like giving a gift to others--the gift of trust, the gift of honesty, the gift of myself."

And, boy, am I hesitant!!!! I'm an introvert!!! I have small circles of friends!!! (I'm not actually yelling here. Just using exclamation marks for effect).  But I have to cut myself a break.  I have to go out every once in awhile, and exercise the leisure part of me that wants to be human and just have fun.  Because I am more than just an intern, employee, and student.  THANK GOODNESS.

More later.  (This was more than ten minutes and I just gotta go now!) <3


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